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Church Mutual

Engaging existing customers

We created a video for Church Mutual encouraging customers to take advantage of their free products and services.

The Challenge

Create an entertaining-yet-educational video motivating Church Mutual customers to set up smart sensors that help prevent pipe and water damage.

The Solution

Use a tongue-in-cheek, human-centered tone that helps customers feel supported by their insurer without creating worries around structural damage.

The Outcome

A video that not only emphasizes the benefit of the smart sensors, but how Church Mutual takes care of its customers.


Church Mutual offers insurance coverage for a variety of non-profit and religious buildings — but in some cases, those buildings can go days without anyone checking up on them. So, if a church furnace fails on a Monday in January, the frozen pipes on Tuesday will turn into a basement wading pool by Wednesday. Thousands of Church Mutual’s policyholders experience frozen pipe- or water-related damage each year, so they began offering free water, temperature, and pipe “smart” sensors to their policyholders. Church Mutual asked us to make a video encouraging customers to sign up for the program.

Our work

We kicked off our work with discovery with Church Mutual customers who were using the sensors. We learned that they loved that the sensor program was free to use and easy to install. Customers were looking for something simple and straightforward, so we matched that with a video that incorporated humor and quick wit, but focused on the main message: The CM sensor program is free, and keeps your building protected. We used overlaid graphics to highlight the smart capabilities of the sensors and we placed our talent in relevant environments that we knew would resonate with our audience.

Work with a team that engages your audience — without sacrificing your message.

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